
Simplex Snag

The snag() function is used to capture the parts of an input matching snag Units in the model. If the input is not a match for the model, it will return an empty array. Otherwise, it will return a FlexArray of onestrings, and each snag Unit generates its own onestring in the return, whether it is a single character or multi character Unit.

The member function uses the model specified when defining the Simplex object, and takes a single parameter, which is either a onestring or a string of char, to be processed against the model.

For example, to get just the numbers out of a time, you could set up a model like this:

onestring model = "~d+/:~d+/ ~[(AM)(PM)]?/";
// This model will snag one or more digits, followed by matching a literal :
// then snag one or more digits again, then optionally snag either AM or PM.
// NOTE: the syntax for the final unit, [(AM)(PM)], is not currently
// implemented in v0.1
Simplex times(model);
FlexArray<onestring> match1 = times.snag("18:05")
// contains ("18", "05", "")
FlexArray<onestring> match2 = times.snag("04:15 PM")
// contains ("04", "15", "PM")
FlexArray<onestring> match3 = times.snag("11 03 pm")
// empty, because it doesn't match the model (no ':')

Static Snag

The snag() function also can operate statically using two parameters instead of one. The first parameter is still the input that you would like to check, and the second parameter is then the model you want to check against. This works either with two assigned onestrings, or in the case of simpler models and inputs, a string of char:

// Onestrings:
onestring static_model = "~l/";
onestring static_input1 = "a";

FlexArray<onestring> static1 = Simplex::snag(static_input1, static_model);
// is "a"

// Chars
FlexArray<onestring> static2 = Simplex::match("g", static_model);
// is "g"
FlexArray<onestring> static3 = Simplex::match(static_input1, "~d/");
// static3 is an empty array
FlexArray<onestring> static4 = Simplex::match("7", "~d/");
// is "7"

Either snag function will only return snag strings if the entire input matches the entire model (in other words, if match() returns true). Otherwise the array will be empty.