
Simplex Match

The match() member function is used to determine whether input matches the specified model or not. When used with a generated Simplex object, it takes either a onestring or a string of char as a parameter (the input to check), and the function returns true if the input is an exact match to the model, false if not. It will only return true if the entire input matches the entire model. If you want to check for a match at the beginning of input, use lex instead.

Simplex is a single pass parser; if you want to include matches later than the beginning of input, build the model accordingly (ie, with a Unit like ^.*/ - which is any character, one or more, optionally - at the beginning of the units you’re trying to match or lex).

// Using the model example on the main Simplex page:
onestring model = "^d/";

onestring match_input1 = "3";
bool match1 = simplex.match(match_input1);
// match1 is true
onestring match_input2 = "abc";
bool match2 = simplex.match(match_input2);
// match2 is false
onestring match_input3 = "3a";
bool match3 = simplex.match(match_input3);
// match3 is false


Match treats snag groups (~) as regular units.

Static Match

The match() function also can operate statically using two parameters instead of one. The first parameter is still the input that you would like to check, and the second parameter is then the model you want to check against. This works either with two assigned onestrings, or in the case of simpler models and inputs, a string of char:

// Onestrings:
onestring static_model = "^l/";
onestring static_input1 = "a";
bool static1 = Simplex::match(static_input1, static_model);
// static1 is true

// Chars
bool static2 = Simplex::match("g", static_model);
// static2 is true
bool static3 = Simplex::match(static_input1, "^d/");
// static3 is false
bool static4 = Simplex::match("7", "^d/");
// static4 is true

Either match function will only return true if the entire input matches the entire model.